
Reinvent Yourself - The Author Awakens

Annie Logue From Wall Street to Author of Day Trading For Dummies

Author of Six Books and Hundreds of Articles

Liar's Poker - Annie Logue must reads - Tom Levine, Native Angelino Podcast - Los Angeles, CA

Stories and Advice for Aspiring Freelancers

Ann Logue (rhymes with vogue) started her career as a Wall Street financial analyst covering the healthcare sector. She followed a traditional path - undergrad studied economics, earned an MBA in finance, and joined an investment bank. Then, an awakening and a career change.

She is now a full-time freelance writer of six books and hundreds of articles.

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She regularly shares her witty thoughts on The Whatever Years (Substack).

We have known each other for decades and reminisce on the ‘old days,’ including stories of WIRED Magazine, Henry Blodget’s fall from grace and reemergence at Business Insider, and the early days of the internet (Netcom, Netscape, Drugstore.com), and the dot-com bubble.

Her list of ‘must have’ books for every aspiring Wall Street trainee is in the notes below. Hint: Michael Lewis’s Liar’s Poker is at the top.

What is her favorite bookstore? Unabridged Bookstore in Chicago, IL.

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Annie Logue - Author and Journalist

Table Of Contents

00:25 From Wall Street to Author of 6 books
7:30 Day Trading for Dummies
11:30 Visions of Becoming a WIRED staff writer
12:50 Her First Paid Clip - the New York Times
16:15 Liar’s Poker and Other Books to Have on Your Shelf
17:00 Salomon Brothers
20:30 Disruption - Publishing Industry, Real Estate, Wall St
22:30 Freelancing Evolves
26:30 Cost of Education
40:40 Advice on Starting A Freelance Writing Career
44:25 Writing Advice - Practical Tips
53:04 Henry Blodget
1:02:10 Annie’s Favorite Bookstore
1:03 My Netcom (NETC) Story


For the Native Angelino Podcast episode with Annie Logue, recorded on April 11, 2024.

1. Michael Lewis, Liar’s Poker

From Wall Street and author of Liar’s Poker, The Big Short, Moneyball, The Blind Side, The Undoing Project and many more.

For those who don’t know the story of Liar’s Poker, let’s say that the book was (is) required reading for all first-year trainees in finance. Listen to Michael Lewis discuss the book.

“This discrete period of insanity that was coming to and end.”

2. Mandy Hofmockel on Substack

Journalism jobs and a photo of my dog

3. Annie Logue’s List of Books to Have on Your Shelf

Liar’s Poker, The Madness of Crowds, The Art of War

Candlestick Charting for Dummies, Day Trading for Dummies

Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders

4. My Favorite Ann C. Logue Articles

Henry Blodget and I Lead Parallel Lives

Paying for College: Colleges will be closing and merging

Five Movies About Money

5. Freelance Success Website

6. Technology Articles

  1. The Story of UUNet

  2. The Last Days of Netcom

  3. Follow The Money

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Tom Levine, host, Native Angelino Podcast - Los Angeles, CA

About The Author And Podcast Host

Tom Levine, leveraging a 25-year tenure in capital markets, leads Zero Hour Group and Native Angelino Real Estate, offering a suite of consulting, strategic analysis, and real estate services.

An alumnus of USC Marshall School of Business and the Claremont Colleges - Pitzer College campus with a term at the London School of Economics. Additionally, he holds a CADRE broker's license (#02052698) and the designation certified Short Sale Specialist under the National Association of Realtors.

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I consult on a range of transaction types and deal structures.